Here are some pretty awesome Halloween costume ideas... brought to you courtesy of!
nothing says "class" like a pregnant nun - which, actually, I heard one of Pia's pregnant friends is dressing up as...
Any true "Office" fan will want to go as bobblehead Dwight. Although, personally, I am partial to "3-hole punch Jim." And, possibly my all-time favorite costume (for so many reasons): The homemade Midget costume! Love.
You have to be a midget. Every time you see yourself, you'll cry from terror that you're a midget. Priceless. And yes, my friend Erin, who is ready to pop any day now, bought a nun costume and is boing as a knocked up nun, although it's not a trashy nun like the one pictured. It's actually a full-on-Sound-of-Music nun outfit. Can't wait to see it!