costumes, anyone?

Here are some pretty awesome Halloween costume ideas... brought to you courtesy of!

nothing says "class" like a pregnant nun - which, actually, I heard one of Pia's pregnant friends is dressing up as...
Any true "Office" fan will want to go as bobblehead Dwight. Although, personally, I am partial to "3-hole punch Jim."

And, possibly my all-time favorite costume (for so many reasons): The homemade Midget costume! Love.


Laurie said…
lolol! You have to go as the Little Person, for reasons you very well know :-) and that pregs nun is super duper trashy.
Cara said…
love the midge...although the hands arent nearly small enough!
Laurie said…
you may be right Car, but the midget hands would make Katie barf.
Katie said…
true, plus i don't know how you could make your real hands look smaller?
Laurie said…
2 words for you: wooden hands
Katie said…
i think using the wooden hands would turn this into a totally different kind of costume... ;)
Unknown said…
You have to be a midget. Every time you see yourself, you'll cry from terror that you're a midget. Priceless. And yes, my friend Erin, who is ready to pop any day now, bought a nun costume and is boing as a knocked up nun, although it's not a trashy nun like the one pictured. It's actually a full-on-Sound-of-Music nun outfit. Can't wait to see it!