This weekend I was able to travel to good ole' Walla Walla with my bud Michaela (left) to visit our friend Danielle (center)! It was soooo much fun, I haven't been to Wally World in years and years. I have been friends with these girls since 5th grade when we shared a cabin at Camp Cross! Nice to know that some friendships don't die no matter how much time goes between visits, and some people never change... Personality-wise, I think all 3 of us are pretty much exactly who we were as 9 year-olds. :)
Also, it was so great to wander around the old stomping grounds at Whitman... man I loved that campus so much, it is just so gorgeous! Lots of new fancy buildings (Cara, Sherman is no longer a weird wooden fortress, but all shiny and new!) but pretty much exactly the same.