fun with friends

This weekend I was able to travel to good ole' Walla Walla with my bud Michaela (left) to visit our friend Danielle (center)! It was soooo much fun, I haven't been to Wally World in years and years. I have been friends with these girls since 5th grade when we shared a cabin at Camp Cross! Nice to know that some friendships don't die no matter how much time goes between visits, and some people never change... Personality-wise, I think all 3 of us are pretty much exactly who we were as 9 year-olds. :)

Also, it was so great to wander around the old stomping grounds at Whitman... man I loved that campus so much, it is just so gorgeous! Lots of new fancy buildings (Cara, Sherman is no longer a weird wooden fortress, but all shiny and new!) but pretty much exactly the same.


Laurie said…
lol did you girls light kleenex on fire and carve your names into window sills of brand new buildings? Wait, I guess that was just YOU, KT.
Katie said…
haha, actually goody-two-shoes Michaela WAS part of the name-writing incident... and it was marker, not carving. Jeez.
Lis said…
I have never been to WW. And I ruined Megan, Bob and B-Z's trip two years ago. (mad decided to make her grand entrance) Love that you reconnected w/ such longtime friends. That's so great.
Cara said…
i really need to go visit there! definately a beautiful place
Unknown said…
I'm itching to go back too. We need another trip stat. And I will come this time!