makes me chuckle...

"What I've Learned" by Dwight K. Schrute (stolen from the Esquire website)...

You cannot buy farmers at a farmer's market. It's super-confusing.

Look people in the eye. Unless they have enormous breasts.

The best way to skin a badger is very carefully. Ha ha. That's an old one. But seriously, you're going to need several paring knives and two buckets. One filled with warm water.

Beets are a dish best served cold. Like coleslaw.

I am loyal to a fault. But when the one I am loyal to starts suspecting me, I have no choice but to take him out. The secret mission is incredibly important.

I believe in hunting, but only if you use the entire animal. For instance, instead of a comb I use the rib cage of a squirrel.

To me, success is simply the opposite of failure.


Unknown said…
The hunting one might be my favorite. You just can't go wrong with Dwight quotes.
Cara said…
what kind of blackberry did you get? and why is the cd i made you not on your list of favorite things this week?!?!?!
Katie said…
i have a Blackberry Pearl, i've had it for like a year, i just still love it. and the CD will make the list, don't worry... ;)
Laurie said…
love D.S. need new Office eps! And Car, I love the cd you made for me, esp the pepto picture on the cd!
Laurie said…
and besides Car, if you were HERE, you'd make the faves list every week!