I just want to say how excited I am for the Oscars on Sunday! Normally I watch most of the major awards shows, if only so I can see the pretty dresses, but this season has been sadly lacking. So I'm hoping that the Oscars will be especially good to make up for it!!! Not to mention, I have to redeem myself in the annual PLACK family Oscar pool (since I believe that Lavs somehow pulled off the upset last year)!!!
Surprisingly, I actually have seen all of the Best Picture nominees this year - and other than "Michael Clayton" (which I still don't really get what all the fuss is about, it wasn't that great, and "Jesse James" was way better) they are all awesome movies! I think that "There Will Be Blood" is one you should all see, simply for Daniel Day-Lewis' performance, it was really impressive. But by far, IMHO, the best of the crop was "No Country For Old Men" - even though it was incredibly violent and extremely strange, it was just a beautifully-made movie and stayed with me for a long time after I saw it. "Juno" is probably the movie that appeals to the most people though, and it was so funny and sweet, definitely one I will buy when it comes out on DVD (or steal from Sara who already has a copy from "someone who knows someone who gets to vote on them" or something)....
Anyways, look for my victory posting when I clean up on Sunday! ;)