Fun with baby

Yesterday mom and I took miss Colie on a little outing. We tried (and failed) to find an estate sale in Newman Lk. Then we decided to visit my grandpa Tony at his new apartment (super nice place, and we are all so glad he made the decision to move on his own!). And, what is a trip to Idaho without a stop at Walmart? :) Colie fit right in, with her bare feet and crabby attitude and messy outfit. ;) the day ended with a trip to the Y with the whole gang for some swimming.

Selfies at grandpas house. 

Note the fancy pink sparkly shoes!

Trying on headbands

I've been spotted!


Laurie said…
It's always a grand adventure when our favorite auntie Katie has the day off! Love the pic of her walking w Grandpa Tony. And our super scrap w prune juice stained sweater fit right in at walmart. Esp when she started whining as we passed the toy aisle.