I know, I'm world's worst blogger.
It's just not as fun when you don't do much besides Home - Work - repeat
But here's a sampling of what I'm up to these days...
First, a little something I'm whipping up for Christmas gifts.
Full-project pics coming after the big day (wouldn't want to ruin any surprises!)...
A note: I have NEVER sewed anything before. EVER. Not sure why learning a new craft sounded fun, I've almost thrown in the towel about 8 times already.
But I have a great teacher (my cousin Caris, who majored in fashion design at Wazzu, and lets me hold her sweet baby while she does all the hard work - designing patterns, whipping up a sample for me to copy, cutting pieces, and showing world's biggest Tard how to sew a straight line...)
Like I said, it's a work in progress. Thankfully I have plenty of time. And someone to rescue me when I screw up. :)
Project 2:
My first mittens!
They were surprisingly (to me) easy, and whipped up in about 2 days (or about 3 hours of actual knitting time).
Love the color - it is more teal than the pic shows - and they are warm!
Cara and Tony learning to knit has meant that they are super-duper-guilt-trippers about keeping the rest of us going and motivate. Yay?
Project 3:
Babysitting sweet, darling, chill baby Colie
She is SO teeny tiny
And I love hanging out with her!
5 weeks old (but about 3 weeks in this pic)
Really does nothing but sleep, look around, eat, repeat.
Love this face.
She is pissed here, because Pia woke her up from a nap to change her clothes... Amateur.
So glad Caris lets me get my baby fix in!
Anywho, that is it folks!
Now, get off my back for another few weeks.