An Update!

I figure it's about time for a blog/life update...
Although there isn't much exciting going on really.

1st - The Big Move.
Tony is here! (With his pups, Wally and Lola)
Cara is not far behind!
Except our little house is bursting at the seams.
So we are moving on up... To a 5-bed, 3-bath (double YAY) house with a nice big yard.
Can't wait!  BUT this means packing and moving. BOO.

2nd - The Dogs.
NOT fun trying to introduce 2 cranky old dogs to one friendly but excitable little Lulu.
Things have been rough. Super stressful.
We have had numerous scraps, a lot of yelling, a visit from the "Dog Whisperer" and 1 trip to the vet.
Lu Bug is limping from a hit she took to the armpit, courtesy of Walt.
But I do feel things are on the upswing, and hopefully once we have a bit more room to stretch out things should get even better.

3rd - The Running
It's been slow-going this past week (ie. I've only been once)...
I'm getting to the horrid part, where I'm expected to run more that 90-second bursts, which I'm NOT loving. ;)
But I'm determined to stick with it, and will get back on the horse this week. Or back on the road at least.
*Also, side note: I'm still loving the Vibram toe-shoes.  Still heinous to look at though.


Meg said…
Hang in there sis! And I am happy your 'fug' shoes are working:). And I am sorry that Lulu is getting beatin'. It will all work out! HOORAY...Cara and Tony:)!!!
Laurie said…
Hate your fugly shoes they make me gag a little whenever I look at the toes.

But so proud of you for having this goal. 10 more pounds and my knees may start to tolerate running.

All is calm on the dog front this morning! Fingers crossed...
Lis said…
That's awesome you're moving on up. Keep on running. You won't regret it. Although I feel your pain. I normally want to turn back as soon as I start. :-)
Meg said…
Lavs, I die that these shoes make you gag. Love it.
Sara Miller said…
Yay for everything in this post!! Including the seemingly miserable stuff like dog fights and getting to the painful point in your training...all totally worth it little hurdles for the fabulousness that they result in.