We finally got some legitimate sunshine!!! Hurray!
And boy did we take advantage!
Lavs and I (mostly Lavs) did some yard cleanup yesterday...
Lulu and I spent about 2 hours at the dog park (where Lu mostly rolled in some sawdust piles and lazed in the sun; very little dog-play was involved)...
We walked all over downtown yesterday...
And went down for the Race For The Cure today.
Oh my gosh, it was gorgeous. Seriously, best weather we've ever had.
Those sweatshirts were off by 9:05!
Then we came home, P passed out for a marathon 6+ hour "nap", Lavs cleaned the porch and I cleaned the pup, then we had the first BBQ of the year!
Man, it makes me want summer here SO bad.
PS, i will post tattoo pics once it is healed and not nasty looking if you want... :D