I have a mild obsession with high heels. Which you know.
Particularly Christian Louboutins. Seriously, if I win the lottery, I'm pretty sure I will blow it all on his shoes.
Remember these bad boys? Those beautiful teal ones on the oddly-white Beyonce?
They were $800.
They have been replaced by my new faves:
This is the Bollywood collection.
I am obsessed with the bottom right ones.
But in this color:
Oh my goodness, I seriously LOVE these shoes.
The only downside? The cost.
Puts those $800 ones to shame.
Currently selling for $2795.
Better start investing in those lottery tickets.
And a lot of walls to lean against.
I love Bollywood as you know. So I approve the purchase of these shoes. As long as you get 2 Bollywood lads to hold you up while wearing