CCD 2011

This post took a LOONG time to write... because I am still exhausted from Christmas Cookie Day 2011!

It was a super fun day, held for the first time on the East side of the mountains (since Michele moved over here, we now outnumber the Seattleite Bethany)

Here are some pics, in no particular order:
Early in the day... we are still smiling, only on drink number one. (Yes those are tasty bellini's in giant wine goblets...)

A quick break to watch the Zags game (with Brian, B's hubby and our designated store- and coffee-runner)

baking, baking!

These are FAKE smiles. I effing HATE icing cookies more than life itself. Mish and I always get stuck with this job somehow... that Bethany is crafty!

the girls and Jack boy

again, this is still pretty early in the day, so we're relatively cheerful. We were WAY more organized this year - running 3 Kitchenaids, and constantly rotating cookies through the ovens :)

Michele's signature pic

our fuel for the day

bethany modeling proper drink-making technique

Some beautiful cookies!

this is what you get when you put me on the decorating job. pure shit.

these beauties were my new recipe this year - pistachio-cranberry biscotti. AMAZING. I am making a second batch as we speak.

Rugelach - my fave! but i hate making them, so we only get them once a year.

sad face/head tilt man. love him.

Jack testing our frosting. with a carrot dipper.

Overall, a rousing success! I think we ended up with about 13 types of cookie... in only 8 hours. Again, I only do this because I love my buds. :)


Laurie said…
hahaha love head tilt gingie! And WHERE ARE THE RUGELACH? I haven't seen nary a one yet.
Cara said…
what do you do with all the cookies?
Unknown said…
Love that you love them enough to go through 8 hours of torture! And the cookies were adorable.
Meg said…
WOW! Anything with champagne turns out fabulous. Quit yer complaining...and sad face ginger man. Adorbs.