Yay? or Nay?

I'm thinking I need bangs.

I always hated bangs (on me, not on other people).

But now, maybe I kinda love them?

I need input, people!

I am thinking something like these (long hair, long-ish bangs?):


Laurie said…
I love bangs, on anyone. So I say YES. But every time you have gotten them, you have hated them...so kind of a dilemma.
Katie said…
I know. Quite the dilemma :)
Cara said…
i'm not a bangs fan myself, but i think you would look cute with them!
Lis said…
Long side bangs. Then it's not too much of a commitment if you hate 'em.
Katie said…
i think part of it is hoping that i then look exactly like Reese Witherspoon. Sounds reasonable, right?
Unknown said…
completely reasonable. I say go with longish though, so if you do hate them, you can still sweep them back!
Meg said…
I want to look just like Sienna Miller. I feel your pain. I got her cut. I looked like a lesbo. A butch one at that. Oh well. Sooooo...did you do it?