Friday night, Lavs and I decided to make a quick trip over to Seattle for the weekend... Mom's goal was to help Auntie Sue pack up her house, my goal was to NOT pack. :) J/K, I had no goal.
Lucy's goal was to be in the car as little as possible.
God I love this face:
Full of excitement:
I ended up rescuing Bob from a weekend babysitting Hadley and Carsie by kidnapping Little Miss for the day on Saturday!
Apparently Bob made the mistake of telling Hadley about it the night before, I'm pretty sure she got zero sleep.
Yes, I am that exciting folks.
So I picked up the little lady. Tried to talk her into taking Lulu to the dog park. She voted no.
Instead, we did this:
She picked possibly the PINKEST pink ever made. And of course, flowers.
I thought we should go out to lunch, somewhere fun.
We ended up eating McDonald's at Sue's house.
After a failed attempt at a nap (even though Hads was the one who insisted she needed one)...
We went down to Kip & Lis' house for dinner with Laurie!
So fun, I can't believe I had never been to their house before. :)
The dinner was fab, as was the company, and all the gals got to swing a whole lot:
And Lucy and Rudder got to chase the ball. A lot.
Well, Rudder did. Lucy mostly just looked bewildered.
Thanks gang for a super fun weekend!