Super Dork

Turns out, Lucy Lou has her first true phobia - fear of HARDWOOD FLOORS. (I could not find a name for this phobia... but I did find "Luposlipophobia" - the fear of being chased by timberwolves around the kitchen table while wearing socks on a freshly waxed floor. Thank you, Gary Larson.)

I'm not usually a video poster, but I love my super dork dog tip-toeing around Susan's kitchen because she hates to slip. And she has to take the LOOOONG way around to get to me. NERD.

Note, there is a part 1 and part 2. Both are short, I promise. :)


Lis said…
I think it's sort of normal...lots of dogs freaked out by slippery shower. Hilarious tho!
Katie said…
it's mostly funny because we have hardwoods in our house and they pose no threat whatsoever, but at Sue's and Mimi's she was horrified. :)
Unknown said…
That's awesome. I love her fear of the floor, appearantly the only thing that could keep her from her mama!
Laurie said…
love our Safety Susan/Cautious Cathy. She was absolutely terrified.