Pat on the back...

Today's challenge : Share 3 of your Accomplishments. Hmm, here are a few I can think of:

1) Making the most of a crappy situation at work - i am currently only able to work as our phone nurse (doing telephone triage), which usually i dread because i would much rather be working in chemo. but i am trying to embrace the time i am stuck on light duty (especially since it could be a long time still to go)... so i have been trying to come to work with a good attitude and not complaining at all about doing the job no one likes.

2) Finding ways to entertain the dog while I am laid up. I am normally a big fan of taking Luce on outings, be it to the dog park or daycare, so she isn't stuck inside all the time. Unfortunately that is not an option right now, so I have been attempting to keep her as occupied as possible - mainly enlisting my friend Curtis to bring his pup over to play as much as he can! :) I haven't accomplished as much as i'd like on this one, but we'll get there.

3) Did some research and found some crutches which hopefully will quit killing my armpits (by FAR the worst part about this whole thing) - went and picked them up today, so we'll see how they do!


Lis said…
Poor luce...that's why she's eating knitting needles. Poor you. What a pain in the butt!
Cara said…
we needs pics of the new crutches!!
Katie said…
Car- they aren't very exciting. Originally i was gonna get the fancy kind that the athletes use, but i didn't want to buy them... so i called Bates to see if they carried them. They didn't. But they did have some with the same sort of idea, just not as fancy. We'll see.
Laurie said…
SO wanted you to have the Rickety Cricket crutches. Dang it.
Unknown said…
Nicely done sister. I hope that ehy work better. See you tonight!