a new woman!

After probably 8+ years, mom went to the doctors today, and she is a new woman! She has been complaining for AGES about how she can only hear out of her "good ear" - shocker that it turns out with was heinously full of wax and just needed a thorough irrigation. So now she can instead complain about how all the kids are too loud.


Unknown said…
Worst. daughter. ever. But yea! mom can hear. Guess we'll have to watch what we say in front of her now.
Katie said…
i'm mostly excited for the freedom to walk on either side of her!!!
Cara said…
i agree with you kt. i hated when she couldnt hear you because you werent on her "good side"!
Laurie said…
SO embarassing. but I can indeed hear now, so all is well. Off to get my boobs squashed this morning, I'm totes on the health bandwagon!
zaideafraidey said…
L that sounds sooooo like mom, you are not ready to go there yet!!!
Meg said…
8 years...what's the matta with you????