oh jeez...

Today i took Miss Lucy into the vet, because her yellow crusty eyes have not gotten any better. Per the vet, most likely allergies, but she gets yet another round of antibiotic drops (and thank god she is good about letting me put stuff in her eyes, cuz we've done it a LOT)... Poor thing! She looks terrible, all goopy and wet-eyed now.

But the real "fun" news was that she has The Herp. Or whatever the doggy equivalent is. LOL. She had a little pink thing on her lip that I (thankfully) randomly asked the vet about while we were there - apparently it is a wart that is "common with young dogs" - she is supposed to minimize her contact with other dogs for a bit, and i have to make sure she doesn't get more than just the one. so apparently my dog IS a bit of a slut. oh well. guess she was a little too popular at puppy daycare!


Laurie said…
our Miss Lucy is a tramp. Who knew the dogs at day care were carrying the herp!? At least she didn't get it from Piggy and Munchy.
Cara said…
she's my kind of girl!!