completely random pictures

Just got home from a super fun Girls Weekend with Michele & Bethany. We went to Yakima for some wine-tasting (part of my quest to mark #7 off The List - Learn to Like Wine)... And also #12 - Spend More Time with my Seattle Friends. :D Pictures from the trip to come soonish, but here are a few from the hours since I've been home:

My baby girl. She was on a playdate next door when I got home, but has since been super happy to have me back. She was a trooper this weekend, hanging out with her #2 bud Grammy.

I decided this gorgeous fall afternoon (70 degrees, with a nice breeze and pinecones flying all over the backyard) called for some turkey chili. Smells SO effing good in the kitchen right now!

A couple spoils from the weekend - I did learn that I like girly white wines okay (and am more willing to buy after tasting room #5 LOL)... The one on the left has the cutest lable ever, from the cutest winery on earth Airfield Estates! Lavs has already busted into bottle #3 (not pictured)


Cara said…
i thought lucy was supposed to lay off the play dates due to her cold sore?
Laurie said…
Lucy Lou is busy spreading the herp to the bet wens next door. And that bottle was my pay for having to put drops in Squeezy Squeezerson's eyes all weekend! PS chili was delish.
Katie said…
she is, but then i feel bad that she can't go play. plus i googled dog oral warts, and it doesn't seem that bad... we'll see.
Lis said…
Lucy looks like such a pup in that pictre. Love that she has the herp. Agree about the payment of wine for putting eye drops in said herp dog. hahaha. I can only imagine the awesome images that came up with "oral warts" good thing you're a nurse.
Meg said…
That chili looks devine. Tell you dog to use a dental dam.