motivate motivate

I am desperately trying to get motivated for the great, never-ending battle of the bulge... Not only am i going to Roatan over Christmas (and will be in a swimsuit at least 96% of the time), but my good friend Michele gets married in January, I turn 30 (yikes!) this year, etc etc. It's time. Well, actually it's about 15 years past time...
So if anyone, besides Dr Phil here, has advice I'm all ears! :D


Cara said…
i'm trying to find the same inspiration...again!
Meg said…
Sign up for cross fit...I've heard it's amazing! And hang that bikini in your kitchen, that should help too, no?
Laurie said…
LET'S DO IT KATIE. Did that motivate you? Me either, but we'll get energized any time now!
Katie said…
yeah i need to sign up for some kind of group thing i think. one of my friends in Seattle is a Crossfit trainer - she's probably the buffest/fittest person i've ever seen...
Sue said…
get a personal trainer - makes you accountable and cheers you on!
zaideafraidey said…
you guys are such good weight watchers. One of the gals at they gym has a body bug and it is working for her. Exercise off more calories than you take in...easier said than done. I am rooting for you.
Anonymous said…
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