Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! Pia, Luce and I headed out to Hayden for Easter dinner with the Lund folks... It was quite nice. And Luce LOVED the lake! We walked down to the water and she immediately dove in and started sprinting around. She also spent the ENTIRE 4 hours we were there wrestling with her new BFF Zephyr (uncle Chuck's puppy). So thankfully she is currently cashed out and not looking to get up again anytime soon.

Here are some pics of those crazy pups!


Cara said…
i love that she loves the water. soooo jealous!!
Laurie said…
she's waaaay cuter than Chuck's dog. :-)
Katie said…
I know Car - i was SOOOOO excited when she catapulted herself into the water and then stayed there for like 1/2 an hour! can't wait for this summer! :) and yes, Lavs, she is. but she's also basically the cutest dog alive, so that isn't saying much. :D
zaideafraidey said…
do love lucy but also Weimereiners, what is his temperament?
Katie said…
he's pretty nice, incredibly wild most of the time tho LOL
Lis said…
Zaide can handle wild dogs. She loves it when Rudder jumps on her when she arrives on Wednesdays. She especially loves it when she opens a car door (any car, UPS truck included) and he hops in.