Puppy School All-Star!

Miss Lucy is (in the humble opinion of her mother) an absolute genius. Or will be one day...

She is definitely the smartest in her puppy class, and is showing some definite signs that she will (eventually, probably) be the greatest dog ever.

Here are just a few of the tricks we know so far:

(we can definitely retrieve, but our accuracy on bringing the ball back to the thrower is hovering around 25%)

Hands down, sitting is our best trick. And she will do it any time, mostly if she thinks she'll get praise and/or a treat.

So, a caveat on "Stay" - she doesn't like to think anyone is leaving the house/room/her presence, so you can only get so far away before she gives up. BUT, I am up to being able to be across the room. Which, with this (slightly neurotic) pup is pretty incredible.
She will lay down pretty well, but won't generally stay there long... Too many places to go/things to do.
The trick we are NOT good at...
Oh well, we can't all be perfect... But this gal is pretty darn close!!!


Lis said…
Can you come over and work on rudder? She is adorable.
Laurie said…
Lucy is the world's most brilliant puppy, I'm sure of it! Off is a bit of a challenge, as is not going totes nutso when her mommy leaves the room, but she does do sit like nobody's biznazz.
Katie said…
i agree Mom. i also should add that the face she is making in the "stay" pic, where she looks completely dejected and sad, is pretty typical of any time she thinks she'll be left alone... sad but effing adorable. :)
Cara said…
i cant wait to meet her. but she isnt the most brilliant dog until she knows how to open door handles on her own like bubba and sissy do!
Katie said…
true. if i ever see her stand at the fence gate, flipping the handle open with her paw to open it, then she will be World's Smartest Dog for sure... :D
Lis said…
Oh and I love the crazy crack run in the first picture.
zaideafraidey said…
you have got to get a ball launcher ala Lis and Kip. That thing is amazing, Rudder can put a ball in it, listen for the machine to its work and be ready to launch one than bring it back and put in bucket. HOURS of great fun.
zaideafraidey said…
you have got to get a ball launcher ala Lis and Kip. That thing is amazing, Rudder can put a ball in it, listen for the machine to its work and be ready to launch one than bring it back and put in bucket. HOURS of great fun.
Katie said…
oh that sounds SO cool, i'll look into it! she would love that... the Chuck-It is pretty much her favorite thing ever, so a ball launcher would be great!!!
Laurie said…
WOW on the ball launcher and Rudder's talent! OF course, opening a door on your own, or standing on your brother's back to get over the fence (then abandoning him while you run amok) are still pretty amazing tricks too. Aren't grandchildren wonderful :-)
Laurie said…
PSS. Her' hunched over like an incredibly sad and rejected human being' look IS her best trick.