new baby!

Meet Lucy! My new baby, courtesy of craigslist... She is a spunky, loving 6 month old lab-mix. Terrible on a leash, appears to know zero commands, but has already wormed her way into our hearts!!!


Laurie said…
She is already my fave NEW grandchild (of course Lois and Walt are still #1 but I never get to see them). I can affirm that she is TERRIBLE on the leash, but I am checking out 20 books on dog training from the library, so maybe there's hope.
Meg said…
Oh I love pun intended. She's fab, and I love that she was on craigslist. Good save Kate.
Laurie said…
Craigslist killer dog? yikes I hope not...
Lis said…
gentle leader! she is adorable. so happy for you guys.
Katie said…
actually she is now totally awesome on the leash - no gentle leader required at this point!!!