Bear Longinotti, 1995-2009

She was a soft-spoken lady in her old age, other than at walk time when she would go nuts. She HATED to be brushed. Which meant she occasionally suffered through a terrible shave job to get rid of mats (and subsequently was known as Nala due to the Lion King-like hairdo). She suffered in silence (mostly) when first Murphy and later Walt and Lola came to live in HER world, but she was always, always the boss. She was the cutest effing puppy I have ever seen in my entire life. All fluffy white fur and love. She loved going to Tony's soccer games when she was a pup, and would always try to chase the balls around wanting to be one of the gang. She, of course, LOVED the snow and was so fun to play with - always trying to catch snowballs and run around.

Love you Goosy Girl.

And sorry for the crap pictures of our baby girl, I'll find some more later.


Laurie said…
very sweet tribute to our Bear-y. One of the only dogs I've ever loved!
Cara said…
your little tribute to my baby girl made me cry!! i miss her already.
Katie said…
yeah i didn't cry til i finished writing it... and then again when i stupidly called dad when i was at work! :O but i'm happy for her, it's been a rough year and i'm sure she's happy and running wild now!
Cara said…
yeah, she looked so peaceful when i went to the vets after work to say my goodbyes to her. glad she's not hurting anymore.