picture of the day

This van is awesome. Yes, those are toy dinosaurs all over it.

(brought to you by peopleofwalmart of course)


Laurie said…
lol those are great! I'm partial to the troll dolls if only for the ep of Roseanne where she was a bingo addict and had all these troll dolls and cig lighters for luck. And I also love the car covered in shoes we saw in Pioneer Square one time.
Katie said…
haha, yeah i loved that Roseanne too... :) it's like Pia said, it is tough to categorize your personality into just one kind of toy - tough call.
Sue said…
Pete had "Viking Babe" Barbie and soldiers super-glued to "Cliff" - his first vehicle - a beater red mazda pick-up - Viking Babe was colored with black marker and had crazy hair and a little viking helmet - was center front on the top of the cab