picture of the day (part B)

what toys would YOU put on your car? (for fierceness, i'm thinking the dino's win... [see post below if you don't know what i'm talking about])


Unknown said…
Hmm, that's a tough call Katie. I mean how do you sum up your personality in a display of toys on your car... I'm thinking bobbleheads, mostly baseball. It would have to be annoying to watch for the car behind you. :)
Lis said…
Funny that you chose the pic of the troll dolls. Whenever Kip holds Madeline upside down he comments that she looks like a troll doll. I'll have to take a pic. I have to say I would NEVER EVER put anything on my car. Ever :-) I don't even have a sticker on it so I am a loser but the bobblehead idea is funny. You could also do the creepy dogs that move back and forth that people put on their dashboards.
Laurie said…
hey I was actually the first to comment but my comment went awol. ANyways I like the troll doll (due to the Roseanne ep where she became a bingo addict and had a ton of TD's plus cig lighters to bring her luck), also liked the car covered with shoes that we saw in Pioneer Square once.
Katie said…
you commented on the other post, dork.
Laurie said…
oh DOH. I'm blaming it on too much excitement over your plab.
Katie said…
haha i know! wanna go with me tomorrow to check her out? and then if i get her, will you babysit over the weekend so i can go to walla walla??? :)
Anonymous said…
random fact but the person who owns this car lives in Bend, Oregon... aka my home town. I also saw this car a few times over the summer while I was down visiting my folks... it really is an odd car. I am personally a fan of stickers if one is going to personalize their mode of transportation...
Laurie said…
stickers are for weinies Carol.