Yesterday I spoke with my sis Cara on the phone and got yelled at that I'm not blogging enough. So I'm gonna post what's on my mind right now (I'm at work and it's slow today...). Here goes.
1. I don't get to talk to Cara and Tony nearly enough. I miss knowing the everyday details of their lives (and vice-versa). Usually when I call Car, my first line is always "what are you doing?" which we kind of joke about. But really, I do want to know what she's doing - right then, last weekend, last month, whatever. I got to hear all about her birthday trip up to DC - a place they live 60 minutes from yet rarely take advantage of. I got to hear the adventures of a boat they recently purchased for $250, which has taken on the typical Longinotti-Project nightmare qualities and as Car says, "hopefully it'll be seaworthy by 2010." :) She is starting a new job this week, which is awesome - lots of opportunity for growth and challenges personally and professionally. But it also means that the odds she will be moving back to the NW anytime soon are rapidly dwindling. Which breaks my heart. It is tough to be supportive when you just want to be selfish sometimes, and I miss my siblings.
2. I am currently beginning the process of discernment regarding my future. At the moment I am feeling called to do something different, something bigger. What that is, I'm not sure. At this point it is looking like I will apply for a missionary program through the Episcopal Church called the Young Adult Service Corps (YASC). I have 2 very good friends who are in Colombia and South Africa, respectively, working for this program. It is an amazing chance to continue nursing but in a completely different environment - in the past, YASC has sent people to HIV/AIDS clinics, Orthopedic hospitals, TB clinics on various continents. I feel the call to do something bigger, different, challenging. I also am feeling that if I am ever going to answer that call, now is the time to do it. My perfect next year would be: continue working at CancerCare NW here in Spokane, then be the Program Director at Camp Cross next summer followed by a mission trip (generally 1 year long) to wherever I am sent! If that were to happen I would feel very blessed.
An inspiring quote I came across recently, that sums up why I would want to do such a thing: I want to feel part of the larger world, go out into it and work with others rather than watching from the comfort of home. “Exercise that Talent which you particularly came to Earth to use—your greatest gift, which you most delight to use, in the place(s) or setting which God has caused to appeal to you the most, and for those purposes which God most needs to have done in the world."
I am trying to decide how, exactly, I feel. Not restless, not discontent, not insignificant. Yet, at the same time, all of those things. Where I will end up, who knows. But it's the getting there that is exciting.
speaking of which, your last mini paragraph pretty much sums up my life... :)