Bloomsday here we come...

Ugh, somehow I got roped/guilt-tripped into doing Bloomsday tomorrow. (For those of you unfamiliar, Bloomsday is one of the largest road-races in the world or something - 7 1/2 miles of wall-to-wall people basically.) Pia, mom and I are planning to set a leisurely pace and try to avoid getting clipped by strollers as we take a lap around Spokane. Although Pia is planning to brave the hideousness that is the starting line melee, Lavs and I plan to hop onto the course just outside my apartment door once Pia passes by... thereby avoiding about 2 hours of standing around and merging 50,000+ people in a block-wide area.

Although I'm still kinda praying for rain so I can back out... but maybe it'll be fun. We'll see.


Cara said…
i still think they should have canceled it on account of the swine!
Katie said…
agreed, but only if they cancel your nascar race too... on account of all the scrapple consumed.
Laurie said…
Not to mention the pork rinds
Meg said…
That is a stupid amount of people. Love that you were hoping it was cancelled.