
Sorry I haven't posted in ages... I just haven't had anything news-worthy. My car is still in the shop (current estimate is 1 1/2 more weeks)... I'm working a fair bit but thinking about adding a part-time job at a Home Health agency (yuck) for some extra dough... And also debating whether or not to work at Camp Cross again next summer... And re-started weight watchers (long overdue and pretty motivated at this point)... And that's pretty much it these days. I'm ready for SPRING to come! Boo, cold weather. ;)


Lis said…
this winter is dragging on. I'm ready to get out of the FOG already.
Laurie said…
blog anyway about nothing. that's what the rest of us do. Guess I'd better blog now. And take 2 weeks off and do the sleep study at WSU. 2 wks of sleeping wired to a bunch of computers? Bliss I say.
Meg said…
Well, if you do the sleep study, I'd highly recommend the slanket. It's gotta be made for sleep studies. And yes, Kate, blog about's often when people come up with some of thier best material.
Laurie said…
so true Megan. Desperation is the mother of creativity or something like that.