So much...

To be thankful for!

On this eve of Thanksgiving, I just wanted to give a brief shout-out to my loved ones and not-so-loved ones. It has been a wonderful year, full of adventure, love and laughter and I am so very thankful for all of it. This year I have done and seen so much:
  • lived in Seattle, Los Angeles, on the Lake, and back in Spokane;
  • road-tripped with both my amazing mother and dear friend Michelle;
  • visited (all too briefly) with my East Coast family whom I miss way too much every day and cannot wait until we are all back together;
  • reconnected with God, friends and family in my absolute favorite place on earth Camp Cross;
  • reconnected with my BFF Sara who I miss calling and forcing to hang out with me when I was bored at my (and then her) apartment in LA;
  • learned more about what it means to me to be a servant to others and how fulfilling that can be;
  • moved in with my sister - even if it was somewhat reluctantly on my part, i have loved almost every minute of it so far;
  • continued to learn and grow as a Nurse, earned my OCN, and have been so blessed to absolutely 100% love what i am doing every day, knowing how important and meaningful my work can be to those i take care of;
  • continued to strengthen the friendships that mean the most to me - i am happy to say there are too many to list that are important to me, but you all know who you are;
I think it is safe to say that I have so much to be thankful for this year, and my life is overflowing with laughter (is there any better gift?) and love right now! I hope that all of you can say the same and that this next year brings us all even more adventure, happiness and beauty!


Laurie said…
yeah for Katie cat! I love having you in town. and LOVE the cartoon
Sue said…
Katie, is that you??? Who has taken over your brain-function - did Pia write this as a T'Day gotcha???
Meg said…
You're so cute. We're thankful for you!