Okay, Okay!

Finally something to blog about! And I found the camera charger but now can't find my camera (boo!) so I stole these pics from Pia's facebook...

To mark the simultaneous and equally monumental occasions of Pia and I moving into our apt and Election Night, I decided it would be a great un-packing motivator to have a little get-together! So I invited the gang over for an evening of huddling 'round the Mac to watch CNN's live feed (no cable yet) and Wii playing (cuz MarioKart is effing awesome and I rule at Wii Tennis)!

Here is some of us watching Barack's acceptance speech on the computer! :) Yay!

Laura, Peter, Peter (notice the sweet W shirt, it says "danger") and Kaitrin

me, Keaton and Pia (I'm wearing my "Bill for First Lady" shirt in honor of what might have been...)

Chase looking kinda douchey (per usual)

Michaela shows off her sweet Wii Bowling form

Pia and Michelle argue the merits of Dino vs Christine (obvs, the less-crazy candidate won there)

Pia, Tara, Laura and Michelle pour over some crazy old Camp pictures

watching some more Election coverage

McCain admits he's a big loser (mainly cuz he chose Crazy Palin for a running mate) and I decide I can't watch anymore... Hey at least we don't have to look at neck wrinkles for the next 4 years! Woot!


Unknown said…
Yeah funniest first party ever! Let the merriment continue at HM!
Laurie said…
the HM looks fab, you even hung pictures. I'm impressed! But also sad bc my party invite somehow got lost in the mail...(jk, you young folks look like you had a grand time)
Meg said…
Woot, woot, double woot! You're so smart to invite people to the HM...in order to get unpacked. Auntie is going to be mighty jealous, she was DYING for someone to have an election party. You probs could have persuaded to even drive to Spokie. Your friends look fun...i think i should hang out with them. And I love your shirt Kate...oh what might have been.
Laurie said…
hey if I didn't get invited, my sister shouldn't EITHER.
Sue said…
I didn't get one either - and it looks like the wb couch held up under all those bodies . . .