So I shared a story with my bro Tony tonight, and he requested I post it on the blog. So here it is.
First, a bit of back story: Many years ago, my brother invented something called the "Super Meow." Tony actually would just scream "Meow" as loudly and shrilly as he possible could, to make fun of me or something (as some of my many nicknames are Kitty Cat and Meowfoy). When he was feeling extra saucy, he would do the ever-popular "Triple Meow," which was 3 Super Meows in a row (my personal favorite, but he has since quit doing it because it hurts his throat, he's a weak disgusting smoker, and he is lame).
Anyways, last summer at Camp it somehow came out that he did this, and it was demanded that I demonstrate the Super Meow to all the people that were there. I, being an attention whore, did and it caught on like wildfire. Chase (my boss) LOVED the Super Meow (and was pretty good at it too), so he and I ended up teaching it the first day of each session to the campers. It was pretty awesome and we did it all summer.
So the story continues tonight, because I learned from Pia that the Cathedral Youth Group was playing a game called "Super Meow." I was overjoyed to learn that this game consists of 2 teams facing off in a Super Meow Challenge where they decided who is the best. (In my opinion, Super Meows cannot ONLY be loud, they must also have a certain 'soul' or pizazz to them - something that comes from deep inside.) I shared this with Tony who loved the idea of the game, and I made him promise that if he ever makes it out to Camp Cross he will give them their first taste of the Triple Meow!