Moving on up...

Pia and I are (more or less) totally moved into our new place! I am stealing internet, surrounded by boxes and piles of clothes, but sitting on a made bed so life is not too bad! Although the thought of unpacking is making me want to cry...

If I ever find my camera charger again, I'll take some pics of the new place and post them soon!!!


Laurie said…
Nice work to find internet so fast. And the apt is going to be fab
Lis said…
Oh fun! Did you guys get that house or what? I am not a good not envy you one bit. But, I am guessing you don't envy saw dst and tons o' bills either
Unknown said…
We did get the apartment at the haunted mansion. It's going to be really cute when it's done. I don't envy you your sawdust and bills, but at least you get to own a home (even if you aren't living there right now)!
Meg said…
Did Freddy Kruegar come last night? Is that why you haven't blogged...because you were murdered in the HM?
Katie said…
lost my camera charger... i'm working on it!
Laurie said…
HURRY UP. Just post something, we don't need no piccies. I need to know you are alive...
Lis said…
Hello, OLD NEWS...