still here (sorta)!

Just a quick note to let you know I'm alive, exhausted, happy and SUPER busy so I will be making up for my lack of blogging with 3-10 super posts next week!

Thanks and I love ya! Camp is amazing, busy, fun, tiring, and almost over...


Laurie said…
thank god you are still alive. Thought you'd gone swimming and some heinous lake creature had gotten you.
Sara said…
Your three month increment is almost over . . . what happens next??

Laurie - since I know K won't answer, have you heard the agenda for the next three months??
Laurie said…
Sara, she is maddening. NO I don't know what the hell she's doing! Maybe Spokane, maybe Seattle, maybe Lower Slobovia, who knows. But she is here for a coupla days, I'll try to pin her down.
Katie said…
LOL, i have no job yet - i've got 3-4 weeks still at camp to decide/figure it out. But I'm trying to stay in Spokane, that is choice #1 still... once i get some good leads y'all will be the first to know!
Sara said…
Just a friendly reminder you have less than 24 hours to deliver your "3-10 super posts"

Tapping foot with hands on hips waiting impatiently.

Sara said…
PS - if you get in with Lower Slobovia, will you pls put in good word for me, I'm in the market and that sounds divine. I see paychecks for watching Project Runway and Design Star in our futures.
Katie said…
sara you are a tard and that's why i love you. working on the posts... sorta...