LA Adventures!

Here are some pics from our LA adventures... I'll write more later? Lots of fun, but no celebs spotted yet this weekend... oh well!

Birthday cupcake - peanut butter chip! Yummy!

Bethany with some random dude...

How I feel about turning 27!

Double-fisting - love that Bud light!

Michele being her usual self...

at the beach with Bethany!

more beach pics!

Aahhh, so refreshing!

Dinner at "Ketchup" in West Hollywood - good stuff


Laurie said…
is that guy a celeb? If not, why is she posing w him for a picture? Just askin'. And if you can't see any celebs at a restaurant called KETCHUP, you're hopeless.
Cara said…
happy, happy, happy birthday! we love you
Unknown said…
Glad you're having such fun with the girls! It looks way more fun then my time spent writing my paper. Love you birthday girl!
Sue said…
happy late birthday Katie-Kat!
Meg said…
You didn't see the cast of "The Hills" at Ketchup? Or the Kardashians? Both crews frequent there...rats!!! Happy late, late, birthday Kate!!!