Northwest here I come!

Update time! I just accepted a job as the Assistant Program Director/Nurse out at Camp Cross for the summer! (What all this entails, I have NO idea...) But it works out perfectly, because I get to stay in Los Angeles until June 10th-ish, then head up to be-yoo-tee-ful Coeur d'Alene for the rest of the summer! I'm super excited to be able to stay in LA longer than originally planned - it's the best of both worlds... But I'll for sure be ready to see and smell CLEAN AIR again!
I am so excited to get to goof off, swim, hike, tan, laugh, play for another summer!!! And will hopefully get to hit Seattle once or twice. Of course, after September I have NO idea what I'll want to do, so I'll be open to suggestions....


Laurie said…
AWESOME!!!!!! and my suggestion is stay in the NW if you can't go somewhere really faboo (HAWAII?!)
Lis said…
Wow, that's great! I'd love to spend the summer at camp!
Unknown said…
I guess I better start figuring out my schedule!
Blythe said…
Congrats on another summer at camp. Hope we can get together sometime while you are here.