Awesome party trick...

I learned how to do the Rubik's Cube while bored at work one night (free gifts from our employers... don't they know nurses just want free pens?)! Now people think I'm waaayyy smarter than I really am!


You too can learn it, there are videos on YouTube or other sites around the 'Net...


Laurie said…
that's cheating! But I'm still impressed. And nurse's moms like 'free gifts' too...
Unknown said…
Nice, way to use your brain to find a way to solve it. I always just took it apart and reset all the pieces... now that's cheating.
Katie said…
not cheating... you can't do it without knowing the tricks... i definitely bow down to whoever figured it out on their own though!
Laurie said…
like your new blog 'look'! AND you forgot Phyllis!
Katie said…
well Phylis has been kind of invisible lately...
Meg said…
Love the new look little blogger. I think Kirdy really can solve the Rubi...without any help. She's always been a freak of nature. And I agree, nursies love pens...but ONLY if their fine point.
Katie said…
wow, i'm pretty impressed that Kirdy can do it... and i'm still tinkering with the blog look, it's a work in progress! :)
Katie said…
PS, i hate fine-point, it's all about the medium point for me!!!
Sara said…
Dig the new background! Just thinking about that colorful little cube makes my head want to explode.

p.s. stupid dodgers. it's 12:17 a.m., the bottom of the 13th, still tied, no birthday parties for me.
Sue said…
katie - send me your new addy - i have a ton of pens to send you . . .
Katie said…
okay just send em to my mom's house, i don't need any more crap here before i move!!!
Unknown said…
Nurses and teachers love the free pens...teachers because their students are always stealing them and we have to restock!