Holy shitballs!

Sweet jeebus. I just did my first-ever spinning class! oh my god. I sat next to a super-nice girl who gave me the run-down (who knew there was so much to keep track of? Seat height, pedal straps, etc.) I decide I would "start out slow" so I could get through the whole class without dying... Um, yeah. At about the 35 minute mark I suddenly felt like I may vomit, my face was the color of the red shirt I was wearing, and I was dripping in sweat. So, long story short, I may have rested a bit more than the rest of the class, but I survived at least! And didn't hate it so much I will never do it again! Actually, I'd almost say it was fun! :)


Laurie said…
what are you talking about 'do it again' 'it was fun'. ARE YOU CRAZY. I say if you do it again, take a bike basket filled with snacks so you have something to do when you stop and rest ;-) Good work, missy! You are getting so skinny! Woot Woot! PS did you see Dan got booted off BL? Yeah! He's annoying.
Meg said…
DAN GOT VOTED OFF...but he's a rockstar(would have killed him if I heard him say that one more time). I'm so glad he got voted off!!! Ry and I tried to stay up, but it's just too late! Good job "spinning" Kate, be careful you'll turn into Ryan in no time.
Katie said…
i didn't get to see BL, i was working last night :( but i HATED Dan, so yay! and i said ALMOST fun, not actually fun! big difference
Unknown said…
He was so full of himself. Although I felt slightly bad for him, nothing made me happier then seeing his face when he saw he had only lost one pound. I thought he'd start crying on the spot!

KT, nice effort with the spinning. I'm too scared to try that, although I think it's coming since I am doing the mini-tri this summer!
Katie said…
yeah P. it would definitely be good for your "training"!! the nice thing is, you really can go at your own speed, no one is going to yell at you for it LOL
Laurie said…
hello Megs, get DVR! then you can skip all the totally annoying parts and only watch the 2 good parts: the weigh in and the 'how they look after they go home'. And BTW Katie, Dan's in LA so look out!
Sue said…
KAtie - you and Kirdy can become the spinning queens - she's been doing it for ages -
Lis said…
I am a fan of the spinning class. The first time I did it I was there pedaling along, feeling OK and then I looked at the clock and saw that only 15 min had gone by. I wanted to die!!
zaideafraidey said…
that spinning is good stuff...but I am in the Lis group and too much of a clock watcher-bring water. I am glad the "blue"team lost, the crying on that show does get a bit annoying-and Dan was one of the biggest criers of all.
Laurie said…
agreed, hate the criers. But I am rooting for the brothers, they look amazing. And still hate the blond lady, she is sooo annoying