
So, I don't know why, but I got totally obsessed with this book "Twilight" over my break. I had stalkerishly read about it on Joc's blog, and grabbed it at Barnes when I was bored. I finished it by the next morning (as in, had to force myself to put it down and go to sleep!)... And immediately went out to buy the next 2 books in the series, which I finished as well!

The books are ridiculous, something I would imagine Pia has read, but so great! They are about a girl who falls in love with a vampire and are set in Forks, WA. Random. Anyways, if you are bored, these are great! And a 4th one is apparently coming out this summer or fall... :)


Laurie said…
WTF? I can't believe you are reading a series about vampires. You need to come home, obviously.
Unknown said…
My girls love this series. It's one of the book series I plan to read when I have time to read for fun again!
Katie said…
i know, that's what i said too... but they were super fun to read and a wee bit trashy (a deadly combo)!!!
Laurie said…
a WEE bit trashy? sounds like a super duper LOT trashy. but that's prolly what makes them fun to read. I'm sure Mrs. Corner would NEVER have allowed them shelf space in the ole Bothell Library.
zaideafraidey said…
that Ole Mrs. Corner might have suprised you...who knew what she had on the "other" corner book shelf. Katie your recommendation is making me want to read them, vampires...forks? Who knew?
Meg said…
Okay, now I can't wait to read it. I would NEVER in a million years think a book with Vamps would be good, but I trust you and Joc. Never would trust Peeps or Kipper, the sci-fi whores.
Katie said…
Megs, i thought the same thing... but when i picked it up, i literally didn't stop reading til it was done! LOL
Jocelyn said…
The best was when I went to look for the book for the first time- and I'm looking all around for the stupid book, but can't find it. So I ask the book story lady and she was like "oh, yes.. they are the in the young readers section". What? for like teenagers. Sure enough but addicting and I still can't figure out why. And Meg- come borrower mine. enough of this jodi picoult madness. (and hooray for me. first time commenting on your blog and it's the longest one ever:)
Katie said…
thanks Joc! :) yes, it was embarrasing to go to the YA section...
Unknown said…
Don't knock the YA section till you've tried it. If we had had as many great authors when we were teenagers as those ingrates do now, even Cara would have read.
Jocelyn said…
yes, praise be to Judy Bloom.