Lavvies, This one's for you.

Mom (and other shoelace-tying tards), you have to check out this site! It is awesome!


Laurie said…
lol JUST what I need! Alex is learning to tie his shoes but he has only my tard method to copy, this may help him avoid a lifetime of shoe-tying ridicule.
Laurie said…
hey I see my method (the 2 loop) is on there. So I'm not quite as retarded as I thought...
Katie said…
yes, you are. ;)
Laurie said…
well, ok I am retarded. But this is what happens when you are in line for the shoe-tying test in kindergarten, and your MOM HAS TIED YOUR SHOES every day of your life! Pressure people pressure.
Meg said…
They let you pass?
Laurie said…
BARELY. I did make some sort of a bow and I'm sure Mrs. Fishback saw the beads of flop sweat on my forehead and felt sorry for me.
Sue said…
i couldn't tie my shoes until the third grade - do you think it has anything to do with right brain / no spatial relation capacity??/
zaideafraidey said…
I remember well those two weeks prior to Kindergarten, you and Susan telling me I couldn't go to school and would not graduate if I didn't learn to tie my about flop sweat.
Sue said…
we didn't want you to suffer like we did B!