Here come the Birthdays!

It's officially the start of "Birthday Season"!!! Hooray!

First up is Cousin Kip, who turns "30-something" today! Happy birthday Kipper, I know you had an amazing year last year with the arrival of beautiful Madeline, here's wishing you an ever better year this year!

Next comes Cousin Meg, who turns 29 on Thursday! You've also had a big year, and brought such joy to all our lives because we've been able to watch you raise the amazing Hadley Jane! Happy Birthday!

Last, but not least, comes Cousin Sarah - who (and I can't believe it) turns 19 in about a week and is now legal to drink in her home country of Canada! Yikes, how'd you get so old?!! You are such a beautiful girl, too bad you are so far away for college!


Unknown said…
Yeah! I love birthdays!!!! Happy b-day all, of course I'll have my own little shout outs as well!
Lis said…
It's birthday season isn't it?? This is as bad as xmas.
Laurie said…
oh wait until August (at least if you are a Sundstrom/Longinotti). Lots of happy days to celebrate, happy BD all, and wow I cannot believe miss Sarah is so old!
Meg said…
Yeah, I love being on others blogs. Celebrity status for sure. Thanks for the super sweet words Kate, you've always been my favorite;) (let the responses begin). Love you!
Katie said…
woo hoo! even though i KNOW that's a big fat lie Megan (obviously i could never compete with Cara, your uno-dosi-etta soulmate)...
Sue said…
katie - REALLY disappointed that you forgot who started this month of b'days - LOUTIE - or is she too old??
Unknown said…
I don't know KT, you might be catching up. After all you featured Megs in a blog, and CL hasn't even said Happy Birthday yet... But uno-dosi-etta is hard to beat.
Katie said…
eep, no i forgot Lootie (and Noodle) but by the time i figured it out it was too late... so HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAM AND TATE!!!!!!! LOVE YA!!!!