The funniest thing happened today... I was walking by the pool at my apartment and this random 8 year-old kid told me I "look like Chucky's evil bride." I was all, What?!! I don't know, maybe I'm just missing something, but I don't see it. LOL I am pretty sure it was a put-down, but it just made me laugh... Also, what was this kid doing watching a Chucky movie?!! That f-ing doll is so creepy.
P.S. If it makes you feel any better, I jaywalked outside the loft the other day and a kind hipster actually took the time to roll down his window and scream as he drove past me "Get out of the way YUPPY!"
p.p.s. I was already on the sidewalk, well out of his way, and not even carrying any louis. I live in downtown LA for crying out loud -- how much of a "yuppy" could I possibly qualify as??!!