
I am officially done with my assignment at Everett! I am tired and happy to get a few weeks off to visit with the fam! :) I must also note that my mother has definitely cleaned (or put her children to work) and the house looks great! On the docket for the next few days: hang out with Cara & Tony a bit, go car shopping (!), finish my Christmas shopping, hopefully go up to Kachess to the "cabin", and catch up on sleep!!!


Sue said…
IT IS NOW OFFICIAL - if fred and Irene cleaned or got your mother to clean - they HAVE to come home - THE END
Meg said…
Oh Kate, it must feel SOOOO great to finally be done and know you have the holidays off. I'm jealous! Your mom must love Fred and Irene best, because she never cleans for you and Peeps:). BTW, when our Xmas card comes to your guys' house do know that it's for you too...I thought you'd still be at Meems when I sent it, so I put your name on with hers. Can't wait to see you at the cabin...and rumor has it there could be a Maddie sighting.
Laurie said…
lol, Tony is Mr. Clean, with me helping. The rest are sluggos. I don't get it, THEIR house is always a sty when I go visit VA, but hey I'm not complaining. It's soooo nice to have all 4 kids home, it's been way too long!
Unknown said…
How come I don't make it on the hangout list? Welcome home, that is if you jerks ever come home from the casino...
Katie said…
yeah it's nice not to be working! and P, of course i'm excited to hang with you too, sorry i forgot to say that but i was going on my 25th hour being awake!!! ;)