Thanksgiving comes early...

Yesterday I got to spend the day at the Gumm's house (Patty, my stepmom's, parents Bob and Joan) as they hosted their annual pre-Thanksgiving dinner! The food was delicious! I don't know how I'll be able to do it again on Thursday - well, okay, I'm sure I'll find a way... But it won't be helping the Weight Watchering at all! ;)

Dad and Patty in post-meal phase

Joan, our lovely host (and that's girl-Joey the cat next to her - the resemblance is uncanny, although this cat is not pure evil like Joey was)

Dad, would you please grow back some facial hair?!!

Oh, god, this is me after only a 2-hour nap after working the night before. I actually managed to stay awake and socialize until about 10:30! A miracle, really...

And, for your viewing pleasure, this is what Pop looks like with his facial hair... A huge improvement if you ask me:


Laurie said…
wow did you photoshop that pic or does your dad do the exact same pose every year?
Unknown said…
Please, we all know that dad has only one post-holiday meal look. And I agree binxycat, dad needs facial hair stat. It's too scary when he is without some!
Katie said…
i added in the goatee on the 2nd pic, but it is the same one... goofball!
Anonymous said…
From that pic I like it better w/o! :-) Lis
Laurie said…
oh no he NEEDS the fac. hair, thin upper lip. And I thought I should ask, cuz as I recall, he DOES do that pose every year.
Unknown said…
Lis, you are kind of cracking me up. ;)
Meg said…
Def. needs the goat. He as the same absent upper lip as my father, and I he looked like a creepy molester when he shaved his goatee about 10years ago. My friends parents wouldn't let them come over for weeks until it grew back. Great to see a pic of Uncle Tony, I haven't seen him forever but swear that my parents have a ton of pics of that exact same pose.
Laurie said…
yep that is exactly right. Pretty much the same pose as when your dad was spitting sunflower shells on him (except he was in the tub, drunk out of his mind, as was your dad). And the child molester look is def. NOT attractive.
Sue said…
this is EXACTLY why I made Tom grow his "tache back when he shaved it off a few years ago - you have to either NEVER have one or, once grown, ALWAYS have one - your upper lip disappears!