Things we learned today...

1. Mice are expensive little fuckers.

2. Apparently they can have a new litter of creepy little mice babies EVERY 19 GODDAMN DAYS.

3. We will spare no expense. This IS War.

4. We asked the nice mouse-killer man who came over to "please don't give us any details or tell us how many mice you find or anything. We want to stay in the dark." Instead, he told us horror stories about ladies who woke up at 2am with mice in their beds!!! Boo, mouse-killer man.

5. Lulu is the worst guard dog ever. (Ok, ok. I already knew this.) But she barks and gets her hackles up, then runs up to the stranger/intruder/guest sounding mean and lets them PET her immediately. WTF Lulu.

6. We may be moving soon. We'll keep you posted.


Laurie said…
All true, plus we asked him to move in with us and battle the mice w/o telling us any details. He turned us down. And also mentioned we have carpenter ants too. God.
Unknown said…
Well crap. Our house is falling apart. I maintain the ants were already there.
Cara said…
i would move stat. DId he get all of the mice?
Katie said…
he left like 100 bait stations apparently. and claims we "shouldn't see any bodies. but if you do, just pick them up and throw them away." UM, NO.
Laurie said…
Were we NOT CLEAR about our utter horror at the whole prospect of even seeing a rodent, much less dispose of their carcasses? I should have made the guy a pie. Then maybe he would have come back to pick up the carnage.

But when he said "mice love appliances" that killed my desire to ever bake again...
Meg said…
Did the mouse eat you?
Katie said…
no the mouse didn't eat me. i just have nothing interesting to blog.

and you are the pot calling the kettle black, miss "disappear for like 3 straight weeks"