To My Pops...

Happy Birthday Dad!

Thanks for being such an incredible father. I am so grateful to you for so many things... You have always been willing to open up your home to whichever of your kids didn't feel like paying rent (in fact, I'm pretty sure you've never gotten to live alone with your wife, which is pretty incredible) and you never complain about it; you always let me work at the Shop even when you couldn't really afford it, and I appreciate that more than you know; you showed me the importance of loving your work - and the courage you had in leaving behind your safe, if stressful, business to follow your heart. I am so proud of you and happy for you that you are doing something that you love and that seems to make you so happy (most of the time), even if it did mean you moved across the country! You helped Tony & I get through some incredibly difficult times (and I'm sure we helped you too), you make me more irritated than anyone I know (because we are way too much alike), and I couldn't have asked for a better dad!

I hope you have a great birthday, and I can't wait to see you on Wednesday! XOXOXOXOXO your Gory Girl.


Laurie said…
that's very sweet (well all except how irritating he is). I remember that day so well, how your Dad slept on a gurney while I whiled away 1 cm per hour waiting for you to get born, and how the nurse at the end told me "you can't have that baby yet, your doctor isn't here!" You did wait just until poor Dr. Lamkee sat down in front of me and you hurtled out drenching her from head to toe with amniotic fluid. Well anyways, happy birthday big Tony! You look so much like your dad now!!!
Katie said…
aw, i meant the irritating part with nothing but love! And it's part of his charm...