
Nothing much happening on the blogging front... still excited about my Rubik's Cube skillz (I don't care if you think it's cheating, it's not, and you will be very impressed when you see it)!!!

I'm on my first of 4 nights in a row (which I realize people do every day, but I HATE working 4 in a row, it's so exhausting!) plus we have NO patients tonight which means I have already done the following here at work: 12 chart audits, watched 1/2 of Harry Potter 4 on tv, watched SNL (love that C. Walken), eaten dinner, wandered around, looked at all my internet sites. Yup, thrilling. :)

On the news front, 2 of my favorite people are coming to visit - Bethany and Michele! They will be here Friday through Tuesday (just in time for my b-day) and I'm super duper excited!!! Plus, they aren't going to bail on me for Disneyland (unlike some people I know)... And, I've got a trip to Spokane lined up for the end of May, and might even be going to Virginia the week before that if I can afford it!!! Wahoo!


Laurie said…
hey, easy on the D-Land guilt trip! It's expensive! But I'm sue you will have more fun with these gals anyway. They are prolly not terrified of all the big rides and the giant characters.
Laurie said…
btw LOVE your background and new header! How did you make it?
Katie said…
went to a site that offers backgrounds for free ( i think there's a link at the top of my homepage...) - and i just added a picture in the layout section, i had to stretch it a bit to make it fit right though...
Meg said…
4 days in a row...I would absolutely die...seriously, think might heart would stop or brain would explode. I guess we're getting old because I remember always doing 4 in a row in my younger years and one time even did six. I was too stupid and new to know any better. Yes you are a cheater. And yes you can afford Virginia, you're a traveling nurse for crying out loud Ms. Moneybags!
Laurie said…
Lol you girls crack me up. K better go to VA since Carrie braved the trip to LA
Unknown said…
Sounds like fun Katie! I wish I was going to D-Land & VA. Oh well, I'll travel this summer. Oh, I saw Dowling today. Sounds like she's going to drive home from LA with you. That should be fun! S
Katie said…
Meg, I'm so glad you understand... when i whine to my non-nurse friends about it, they just laugh at me! ;) and yes, 6 in a row is probably the worst schedule of all time!!!
P, i'm glad Michelle said that, i've been trying to talk her into it! but she's all talk, no action, so we'll see...
And i am probably going to VA, but i have to wait until i hear about a schedule switch first...
Katie said…
PS, yes i'm a travel nurse NOW, but this summer i will be a poor Camp nurse with no money and a car payment and student loans and credit cards... so a girl's gotta be thinking ahead...