so fun!

I have been meaning to rent a beach cruiser and ride around Venice for AGES now, and today I finally did! It was sooo fun. For only $5, I got to rent a super-cute bike, and ended up riding around for about an hour just people-watching and sight-seeing - ended up going from the Venice Boardwalk by my house down past Santa Monica. The weather was beautiful, and this is definitely one of my favorite LA things I've done so far! Highly recommended for any visitors...


Sue said…
you are SO fancy?? Was it a pink Princess bike like Noodle's???
Katie said…
i wish - it was a cute turquoise actually... but now i'm thinking about buying one, and it would for sure have to be pink if i did! ;)
Laurie said…
I want to do that! I will prolly tip over and get another bike injury but still....
Meg said…
Did you wear a helmet?
Katie said…
Oh god no, no helmets in CA! ;)
Unknown said…
I'm in for sure if I get to come down. That sounds like soooo much fun! I love reading about your little adventures. Hey any news on the camp front? I hear Chase is battling hard to get you to come back.
Katie said…
no i have heard nothing from camp... including that tidbit about Chase... so that's good news for me hopefully! it sounds like some really weird people are thinking about applying for staff though...
Laurie said…
um isn't that who USUALLY applies to work at Camp Crotch? Just askin'
zaideafraidey said…
maybe you could rent one of those bike chariots for L-dine, probably a little safer for her, but with a helmet!!