Gorgeous Day (finally)!

It is so incredibly nice out (for the first time in about a month - I swear it's been feeling like I never left Seattle) that I just had to get outside today! After a nice long power-walk around the Marina, I decided to go back home to grab my camera and head over to Venice Beach for some people-watching and to take some "artsy" pics! Here are some of the results...


Laurie said…
so pretty! Looks very So-Cal. Love that mural where is it?
Katie said…
he he, it's on the bathroom next to muscle beach! classy, eh?
Unknown said…
Hard to go wrong with a bathroom mural! :)Nice pics Katie.
Meg said…
Good pics Kate. You're fancy.
Meg said…
P.S. Pics of celebs please.
Katie said…
IF i could find any!!! i've been looking, trust me...
Sara said…
Loving these pix!!! See - you don't need a mac - you're artsy and creative without dropping $3k!
Katie said…
dammit, you're right... ;) although my comp had nothing to do with it, imagine how sweet they'd be if i could have jazzed them up even more!!!