the car saga continues...

Well, the never-ending saga of my car troubles continues... sort of!

I spent about a week worrying/agonizing/stressing over the Volvo - to fix or not to fix. That was the question.

In the end, I decided I just need to suck it up and quit relying on a 13 year old car with 250,000 miles on it.

So i went out and got myself the "State Car of Washington" (unofficially. I think.) - a Subaru Impreza.

All I really care about is that it was in my price range. And has a LONG warranty.

So now I'll hang on to the Volvo (which I still kinda love) until I either decide to fix it up down the road, or sell back to my grandpa (who also LOVES that car)... But at least I don't have to stress in the meantime.


Laurie said…
A wise decision. And it's a cute car.
Unknown said…
Your car is awesome. And I love that you are no longer stressed out sister!
Lis said…
Love the car. Mine is "the lisberoo" "Lis' lesbian limo"
Meg said…
Subaru's rule.
Meg said…
Subaru's rule.
Meg said…
I guess they rule so much I felt it was necessary to comment twice.